Friday, September 11, 2009

UPDATE : Checkout the September RAYA Issue of PEREMPUAN & MANGGA + JELITA (August RAYA Edition) | Photoshoot with The Idan

Hello guys! How has your day been?
Mine is just OK. Been busy attending countless Buka Puasa events for the past 2 weeks & the Raya performances I had to do so I’ve decided to just stay indoors today. Gosh! I ate so much glorious food at those events. LOL. Korang bukak puasa mesti makan banyak kan? Ke sikit?
Malam semalam, I went to a Buka Puasa event by Utusan Karya, joined by kids from a nearby orphanage in Bangi. IZ jumpa Shila OIAM, Imran Ajmain, Nabil, Dafi (I can’t remember all of them)
[Shila OIAM2, IZ OIAM2, Nabil & Noryn Aziz]
For more photos last night, click HERE

Anyway, If you decide to go visit a newstand today make sure you get Majalah Perempuan (September Raya Edition) and JELITA (August Raya Edition) now! IZ pun ada masuk majalah MANGGA bulan ni… ada gambar IZ gan Ayu OIAM...korang beli OK? Ada latest story in there. Jgn tak beli hehe.
Check out the photos below!
Art Director/ Concept/ Location: Che'az
Photographer: The Idan
Lighting: Fid Fathir
Wardrobe: Inspirasi Singgahsana (Zamri) 012-6512706 Props: Mrs. Lee
If you decide to view more photos, click HERE. Many thanks to The Idan for his amazing photography & Che'az, the stylist who managed to make me look at least half decent in this Baju Melayu+Songket+Songkok combo... I look so much different than I always do, wat do you think?

Tak lama lagi akan ada berita best nak cerita kat you guys. I am excited to tell you what it is but I will just have to wait :-( Take care!


Mohamad Hj Yawmon said...

nice raya pict too iz!
mesty u sangat busy dengan non-stop event rite?

imborntosing said...

Very busy May!
:-) How's you puasa so far??

Have u added my blog? Pleasse do yah easy to keeo in touch with my readers :-)

Mohamad Hj Yawmon said...

puasa? ok jer, alhamdulillah tak rongak lagi puasa tahun ni. hehe.
you? banyak event2 yang kena attend tu tak penat ker? haa2, ada rongak tak?
btw, i dah add u dah. tak appear ker?